Thursday 19 October 2017


Yesterday was Diwali day so here are some photos

Thursday 14 September 2017


This is  my narrative SUNK!!

It was 3 AM 2005 Friday the 13 in the pacific ocean, I was on a ship called the New Titanic. I could not sleep at all, the bar was open so I was going to get a beer. As I was walking, ever now and again I could hear children laughing could they be in my mind? Or could they be my children? I knew those laugh’s anywhere when I got to the bar I was amazed to see my children Jason and Matilda with my Wife Bree.

As soon as we all got a drink we heard a loud BANG
“What is going on!” Asked Matilda.
I look below and see water rising,
“The boat has hit something!”I said.
I could tell the kids were sacred so was I, In a bit people were running everywhere we went to the lifeboats but I then realized the kids weren't with us.

We looked all over the deck calling them, we thought that someone had taken them to a lifeboat until we heard  a loud scream “HELP”. It had to be them I told Bree to stay and keep a lifeboat while I go and get the kids I look at all the places that weren't flooded. I look at the bar it was half Flooded and then I saw them. They got caught on a pole, I got them off and we rushed to the top. Bree was still there with a boat, Now the ship was really flooded and we managed to make it just in time.

I asked the kids how they got stuck on that pole,

“A crazy guy grabbed us and put us there” Jason said,

“He also said Spare us lord of 3AM” Matilda added.

I was wondering who the lord of 3AM is, then it came to me the devil was, he spared us all...for now.

And here is today's Photo.
Image result for extra cute puppies

Thursday 7 September 2017

I am a you tuber!!!

So I am now a you tuber and a only have made 2...for now here is my second video!!

Here is the daily Photo's.
Image result for the worlds most cutest dogImage result for the worlds most cutest dogImage result for 2 week old german shepherdImage result for 2 week old german shepherdGerman shepard'sImage result for 2 week old german shepherdImage result for 2 week old german shepherd

Thursday 24 August 2017

Maths Magic

I now know how to discover angles.

And now the cute Photo
Image result for most cutest puppies in the world

Image result for most cutest puppies in the worldImage result for most cutest puppies in the world

Image result for most cutest puppies in the world

Thursday 17 August 2017

Brain level 100

Recently we made brain writing this is how i did

The average human use 5% of the brain, high achievers use 20% and olympic medalist use 40%, but what if the humankind uses or creates something that uses 100%. There has been research that you can reach 100% of brian capacity if you do a whole lot of things at the same time, or if your brain thinks your doing those things, as a scientist i thought of a hypothesis, what if we created a thing that can make your brain think your doing everything you need for 100% and we are going to see what happens when you reach 100%. So we now have the test subject that will do this, He has now been tested lets see how he is.
How are you feeling? I said
The same. He said

I got amazed how nothing had happened I guess we always use 100% but its doesn't work in certain places, well the answer to life project has been ruined, back to the drawing board.

And here is today's cute photo

Image result for very cute puppyImage result for very cute puppy
Image result for very cute puppyImage result for very cute puppy